I look forward to working with you on your next project! To view my most common services in detail, please select a category below. 
(Or scroll down for a comprehensive list of all services that I most commonly provide for my clients.)
Project Philosophy:
Each project is unique in its needs. This is what makes you stand out! 
If you don't feel that your needs are specifically represented in my services list, please reach out so we can discuss your project and how I can best offer my services. 
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(scroll for all services)
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​​​​​​​Publication and Typography Services

What I bring to the table:
—Pristine eye for detail
—Superior formatting and consistency
—Stellar design presentation
—Collaboration and support
"A well-designed text will seem weightless after a time; the initial feel of the book fades away as the mind becomes engrossed in the words."
—Mandy Brown​​​​​​​
Offering skilled design work for your book project. 
Whether you are a self-publishing author, a publicist, or a publisher—you have come to the right place.  

Book Covers
Such as:
—Custom Cover Design
—Placing into Formal Templates (For each publishing platform you are using.)
—Paperback, Hardcover, Book Jackets
—Knowledge of Technical Process (For accurate book production including page count, spine width, paper choice, etc.)

Book Interior Design and Layout
Such as:
—Visual Language for Book Interior (Includes needs assessment for fonts, sizing, etc.)
—Custom Design Elements
—Full Book Layout
—Professional Graphics (Recreation of charts,  illustrations)
—Custom Artwork
—Making Edits / Revisions*
—File preparation and formatting
Offering experienced design work for your type focused, multipage projects. 
Whether you are an editor, publisher, or business—you have come to the right place.  

Such as:
—Custom Cover Design
—Visual Language (Including fonts, colors, style, page samples, etc.)
—Full Booklet Layout
—Professional Graphics
—Custom Artwork

Magazine Design and Layout
Such as:
—Cover Design
—Page Layout
—Article Design with Custom Artwork
—Following Established Template and Style
—Rebranding / Redesign
Other Multipage Project Design Services
Please contact me to discuss your multipage design project and learn more about how I can meet your specific project needs.​​​​​​​
Such as: Brochues, Catalogues, Presentations and more.​​​​​​​
"Typography exists to honor content."
—Robert Bringhurst​​​​​​​

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Campaign Services

What I bring to the table:
—Custom Artwork that is sure to impress
—Pristine eye for detail
—Superior consistency and cohesion
—Stellar design presentation
—Collaboration and support
Beautiful, creative, one-of-a-kind designs. 
Consistency and cohesion across your entire campaign. 
Let your new book, product, event/course, service, or promotion shine—you have come to the right place! ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
New Book Release Marketing Campaigns
Announce your new book's upcoming release to the world! You have put in the work, and it's important that your marketing/announcement assets look as good as the book itself! 
Such as:
—Bookplates (Signature Stickers)
—Certificate of Authenticity (for Book Signings)
—Social Graphics
—Email Graphics
—Website Assets and Graphics*

Events/Seminars/Conferences Marketing Campaigns
Whether in person or online—your event, seminar, conference, etc. are sure to grab attention with my gorgeous custom campaign designs.
Such as:
—Custom Campaign Artwork
—Event Campaign Graphics/Event Site Graphics
—Social Graphics
—Email Graphics
—Website Graphics

Online–Courses/Workshops Marketing Campaigns
Whether in person or online—your course, coaching series, workshops, sessions, etc. are sure to make an impact with my professional and stunning designs. You will look sharp and well represented with a cohesive presentation throughout—everything from the marketing assets to all course materials being visually unified.
Such as:
—Marketing Assets (See event campaign list above)
—Course Handouts / Worksheets*
—Course Booklets / Workbooks*
—Take Away Gift (Such as a bookmark, affirmation card, beautiful postcard, etc.)
—Follow-up Cards / Comment Cards / Survey Page*
(*Printable or Digital PDF files)

Showcase your show's essence and set the tone with your visual presentation—you have come to the right place! 
Beautiful, creative, one-of-a-kind designs. 
Consistency and cohesion across the board—show assets, marketing and promotions, etc. 

Radio Show / Podcast Series Graphics
Such as:
—Visual Representation of Your Show's Tone / Essence / Vibe
— "Branding" and Consistency
—Site Graphics
—Promotional Graphics (Social, Email, etc.)

"There are three responses to a piece of design—yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for."
—Milton Glaser​​​​​​​

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Logo and Branding Services

What I bring to the table:
—Telling who you are through your logo and brand
—Perfect harmony between your logo and supplementing brand elements
—Precision and Detail
—Superior consistency and cohesion to establish a solid brand foundation
—Very Thorough with Assets / Deliverables
​​​​​​​—Collaboration and Support

Innovative and Unique Design Solutions for Your Business or Brand
Tell the world who you are with a powerful logo! 
Show your professionalism with a cohesive brand! 
My eye for detail,  passion for consistency, and powerful visual communication will ensure you have a strong professional presence—you have come to the right place! 

Logo Design
—Professional High Quality Vector Logos
—Type Based Logos (Logotypes / Monogram Logos)
—Visual Components (Abstract Forms / Emblems / Mascots)
—Logo Orientation Versioning (Ensuring your logo has adaptability)
—Logo Color Versioning (Full color, single color, black only)
—Multi-file delivery upon completion
I am very thorough with delivering files to my clients. I include all logo versioning as well as several file types. I also explain everything in detail so you actually understand what you are provided.
Branding Development / Brand Guide
—Fonts, Colors, Logo Usage: A complete guide to how your company is visually presented to the world.
—Font Guide (Includes delivery of font files)
—Brand Colors (Includes color codes, hex codes)
—Brand Guide (Delivered as a PDF file)
—Supplemental Business Assets (Such as Business Cards, Brochures, Insert Cards, Flyers, Banners, and more)
"The future awaits those with the courage to create it."
—Erwin Mcmanus​​​​​​​
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